
With the many readily available distractions such as daily routine, cell phones, television, video games, family and social life, it is easy to forget that there are tremendous crisis that threaten our existence on this planet. This website is dedicated to reminding everyone as a united colony of Earth that if we do not pay attention to what is going on around us and to take action against certain behaviors, then we will inevitably destroy ourselves, and soon. Very soon.

Although there are currently many groups and individuals who are actively trying to help and warn the majority, there seems to be simply too much apathy in the world for any real effect to take place as of yet. It is almost as if a large crowd was running towards a cliff and ignoring the few who have stopped and are yelling for everyone to go the other way. After all, if everyone was doing the same thing, then it must be ok, right?

As a society we are in a far more privileged position today than we were hundreds thousands of years ago. For a good chunk of the population, life has become lethargic and immediately gratified. Today, the effect of human activity which has been steadily shaping the future of our planet has reached an all-time high, and with our developing technologies, social structures, capitalism, chemicals, engineering, etc. we have reached a point of unsustainability.

Note that these risks that threaten human existence remain understudied, and also note that these risks are only the ones that we are currently aware of. In other words, we might already be leading down a path to extinction that we aren't aware of yet. People have been talking apocalypses for millennia, but few have tried to prevent them, mostly because humans in general are bad at doing anything about problems that have not occurred yet.

Here in this website you will find a collection of some of the most immediately threatening events that may very well spell the end of all humanity as we know it if we do not pull together as a unit and clean up our act.